On Sunday 16th April 2006, 39 children, their family and friends enjoyed a lovely day and the 10th Easter Egg Hunt. I keep toying with the idea of a change in venue, but Bancroft Park is just ideal for this in so many ways. It was lovely to have so many new children join the regulars. I hope you enjoyed it - please add your comments, or ideas for next year's event, to this Blog.
The Easter Bunny had set 8 trails around the park, using giant swinging eggs, the ribboned trees and objects around the park and in the play area. Following each clue the children could find an Easter sticker, to collect and match to the answer sheet, or a crossword clue to be solved.
Lots of children were desperate to be THE one to find that elusive golden egg this year. Everyone searched high and low for it.
After everyone had finished the trails the Easter Bunny hopped off with her basket of wrapped 'eggs' and ribboned spoons, and the races began.
Unsurprisingly the Mum's race is a highly competitive event, its taken TEN years of training - but the best mum won this year!!!
Some of the newcomers seemed a little perplexed as the Dad's prepared for their race - potatoes on strings were tied to the Dad's trouser belts. What a great line up we had this year which included every Dad or Grandad at the event. They had to swing their potato at another one on the ground to push it across the finish line.
Up on the Bandstand, the Easter Bunny (abley assisted by Holly and Amy) called out the children's names and gave out the prizes.
Egg and Spoon Winners9 and over - Luke S
7 and 8 year olds - Joseph A
5 and 6 year olds - Mary T
4 and under - Evan L(2nd year running)
Mums egg and spoon winner was Sharon Cooper...well done me!
Dad's push the potato race was won by
Duncan Lovell Who found the Golden egg this year? George T & Joshua B-R
Special thank yous to
Holly, Amy, Velvet and Pearl, who must surely be future Easter Bunnies in-the-making, for helping me so kindly.
A prize of 4 eggs laid by
my chickens went to John Howe for helping me set up at such short notice. Thanks John.

Even though it's not a race - Lauren & Amy were 1st to finish the hunt

Here it is!!

It's not just
drumsticks he can hold

"Hey, how'd she get hold of the Easter signage from M&S?"

Mary and Holly hold the finish line

Hmmm...photographic evidence...all but Amy's egg are on the ground!

Ross selects his 'egg' from The Easter Bunny's basket

The line up for 5 & 6 year olds

Evan demonstrates expert balancing skills in the 4's and unders race

Competition really hots up now as the Mums take their places

The Dads...potatoed-up...

Duncan's relaxed hip-holding approach proved a winner

Duncan's spud was quite a hefty beast!

Up to the bandstand for traditional prizegiving ceremony...

My helpers award
me my prize

Duncan crowned King

The finders of The Golden Egg receive their prizes and trophy
See you next year =:>)