Easter Egg Hunts

The first of these Easter Egg Hunts was organised in 1996, for children of my IT work collegues from General Accident. I am happy to say the event went on to succeed two takeovers and a redundancy. It still exists to get friends & families together to have Easter fun. Thanks to everyone who helps out or encourages me to do it each year. The Easter Bunny

Tuesday, April 11, 2006

2005 Bancroft park Hitchin

On Friday 25th March 2005, 47 children plus older siblings, parents, grandparents and friends took part in the Easter Egg Hunt in the Bancroft Park, Hitchin. If you were among them, I hope you enjoyed it as much as me!

This year the Easter Bunny had been hopping around the park with her camera to set a hunt different from previous years. The children used the close up picture clues to help them find 20 chick tokens and thread them on a piece of cord. Each token had a letter on the back, if you cracked it the message read ‘Have a very Happy Easter’. (Lauren H was the first to solve the message). Children ran in all directions around the park, older ones solving the clues themselves, little ones getting help. As always The Easter Bunny had hidden one golden egg token somewhere in the park, whoever found that would also win a special prize and a trophy! Everyone searched high and low for it.

After everyone had found their tokens, we started the races. The 'Egg and spoon' races were again kindly sponsored by Casino Caterers www.casinocaterers.com (superb catering - give them a call) with egg shaped foil-wrapped potatoes. (After a confusion one year when some of the little ones ate the Cadbury’s creme eggs while I was busy rounding up people for the next race!) If you would like to help out or sponsor something next year, Blog a comment!

With a huge pile of eggs at the Easter Bunny’s feet the crowd quickly gathered on the bandstand for the prize giving. Every child was a winner and was called up by the Easter Bunny and given a round of applause. There were extra prizes and medals for other winners....

Egg and Spoon Winners
8 and over - Holly F
7 year olds - George B
5 and 6 year olds - Joshua B-R
4 and under - Evan L
Mums egg and spoon winner was Gill Costain...only after a re-run, due to a false start - pity as, for first time ever, it was me who crossed that glorious finish line first time =:-(
Dad's push the potato race was won by Ed Davidson (See 2004 Hunt write up for game explanation)

Who found the Golden egg this year? Alexander G


Correct! I do go to all the bother, just for an excuse to wear ears and a tail all day  


One of the 'Lovelly' families who joined in the fun

Hands up who cracked my Easter message?

The Dads exuding confidence that they have what it takes to win...
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Ed was a novice but displayed the winning technique

Ed is crowned "King Push The Potato"


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I liked finding the message. I wish I had found the golden egg.

6:49 PM  

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